What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all—life healed and whole. (I Peter 1:3-5 The Message)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Golden Egg

This is my first ever blog post, and it will surely be profound!  My patiently attending daughter-in-law, Laura, is holding my hand while I learn how to do each step.  I'm not sure where this will lead, but am looking forward to the discovery.  Vacation is a good time to investigate something new.  Thanks for coming on the adventure with me.


  1. Hey, Mom~

    WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF BLOGGING! I'm so glad that you decided to start this new journey. I look forward to reading your blog and keeping up with you through your posts. I am honored to have been able to help you get started in your new endeavor. You have so much to share with the world and I can't wait to see where your journey leads you!


  2. Welcome to the blog world. In no time you will be a pro. I came over from Laura's blog.

  3. Welcome! Thanks for joining me on this adventure and for your encouragement. I hope to learn how to use this communication tool. Laura will be very helpful, I'm sure.

  4. Hello, I was visiting over at Goose Hill Farm and wanted to stop by and say welcome. God Bless

  5. Thanks for your blessing. Any friend of Laura's is a friend of mine.

  6. Hello!
    I just met Laura this morning. She had commented on my blog. I looked at hers and following her advice, here I am.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of writing on-line!


  7. Pat, I see you have become a follower of my blog. I was interested to see there is another Pat who married a Bill. My Bill and I have been married 51 years the end of this month. We have 3 sons, all in their 40s. I also see that you read Christian romances. I started with Grace Livingston Hill novels when I was in high school. She taught me how to be a Christian lady with high principles and morals. I also read anything by C. S. Lewis and George MacDonald romances. Thanks for following my blog.

  8. Well, another Laura. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your encouragement.
